Exodus: The Wonder of Grace

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Exodus: The Wonder of Grace

We are a saved people. We don’t need to be improved morally. We need to be rescued. God is the great Rescuer. That is the message of the book of Exodus. The entire Bible, really. Echoes of Israel’s exodus from slavery in Egypt can be heard from the beginning pages of Genesis to the last chapters of Revelation, because it is our story too. In Jesus, we have been delivered from the greater slavery of sin and death and transformed by the Spirit into joyful and obedient worshippers. We are an exodus-shaped people.

April 7, 2019

God Among Us

Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 40:1-8, 16, 34-38

March 31, 2019

The Greater Mediator

Speaker: Jon Eagin Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 33:1-4, 15-23, Exodus 34:1-2, 5-9, 29-35

March 24, 2019

The Golden Calf & The Merciful God

Speaker: Jonathan Winfree Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 32:1-14, 19-24, 30-34

March 17, 2019

Do Not Fear Fear

Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 19:1-6, 16-20, 23-24, Exodus 20:18-21, Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24, 28-29

March 10, 2019

God Putting God to the Test

Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 17:1-7, 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 9-11

March 3, 2019

Daily Bread

Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 16:1-31

February 24, 2019

From Bitter to Sweet

Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 14:13-14, 30-31, Exodus 15:1-3, 22-27

February 17, 2019

Trusting in the God Who Saves

Speaker: Tony Elswick Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 14:1-4, 21-23, 26-31

February 10, 2019

The Pillar of Promise & Presence

Speaker: Jon Eagin Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 13:17-22

February 3, 2019

Behold the Lamb

Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 11:1, 4-7, Exodus 12:1-4, 7-8, 11-14, 23-28

January 27, 2019

Who is the Lord?

Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 3:13-15, Exodus 5:1-2, Exodus 6:1-2, 6-7, 9, Exodus 7:1-5, Exodus 9:13-16

January 20, 2019

The Call to Moses

Speaker: Jonathan Winfree Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 3:1-17

January 13, 2019

The Exodus: Our Story

Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Exodus: The Wonder of Grace Passage: Exodus 1:1-10, 13-14, Exodus 2:23-25