A Repenting People

September 22, 2019 Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Parables of the Kingdom

Passage: Matthew 21:28-32

Worship Folder


I. TWO SONS: Repent and Believe
Sin doesn’t disqualify you from the kingdom. Obedience doesn’t qualify you. What matters is repentance.


II. PROSTITUTES GO FIRST: The Way of Righteousness
Religious people repent of sin. Christians repent of sin and righteousness.


Discussion Questions

  1. Are you more like the first brother or the second?
  2. What is repentance? What is one area of your life where you’re having to repent right now?
  3. Jesus said, “Prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before you” (Matt 21:31). React to that statement. What do you think he meant? How do you feel about what Jesus said?
  4. Why is it easier for sinners to repent than for the “righteous”? (This was a big idea in the sermon.)
  5. “Christians repent of sin and righteousness.” What does that mean? 6. How is Jesus Himself “the way of righteousness”?

More in Parables of the Kingdom

October 20, 2019

A Merciful People

October 13, 2019

A Preparing People

October 6, 2019

A Joyful People