Vanity of Vanities
June 7, 2020 Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Is Gift Not Gain
Passage: Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, Ecclesiastes 2:11, Ecclesiastes 12:8, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
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Life is vanity (1:2).
The end of the matter: fear God (12:13).
Life is gift not gain. So, enjoy!
Zack Eswine, Recovering Eden
David Gibson, Living Life Backwards
Sidney Greidanus, Preaching Christ from Ecclesiastes
Derek Kidner, The Message of Ecclesiastes
Discussion Questions
- What has been your exposure to Ecclesiastes? In your own words, what is the message of the book?
- "Vanity of vanities" means life is short, elusive, and repetitive. Where specifically do you feel this vanity?
- What "pretend" things have been stripped away from your life over the last few months?
- Life is gift not gain. What's the difference?
- "There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment" (Eccl 2:24). What are the dangers of going too far and not going far enough with that advice?
More in Ecclesiastes: Life Is Gift Not Gain
July 12, 2020
The Vanity of VanityJuly 5, 2020
The Vanity of AgeJune 28, 2020
The Vanity of Toil