Godward Habits As Neighbor Love

June 20, 2021 Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Habits of Grace

Passage: Galatians 5:1-6

Worship Folder | Full Service Video


Only faith “counts” with God.
Faith expresses itself in love.
How do you get more faith, and thus, more love?


Discussion Questions

  1. You can lose the gospel and drift off into moralism (ie. circumcision) or relativism (ie. uncircumcision). Which direction are you personally most prone towards?
  2. Both faith and love are necessary, but they can at times begin to compete with one another. Do you have any personal examples of this from your life. Reflect on American Christianity in general. Is one prioritized over another? What about our church?
  3. How do you get more faith, and, thus, more love?
  4. What is one "Love God" habit you might begin this summer?
  5. What is one "Love Neighbor" habit you might begin this summer?

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