Judgment | Nahum
February 2, 2025 Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Vocabulary of Faith
Passage: Nahum 1:1-15, Nahum 3:1-7
Worship Folder
Hook: Is God's judgment a comfort?
"God is just, yet his mercy may in some respect said to be more natural to him than all acts of justice. ... When he exercises acts of justice, it is for a higher end, it is not simply for the thing itself. There is always something in his heart against it. But when he comes to show mercy, it is said that he does it with his whole heart. There is nothing at all in him that is against it. The act itself pleases him for itself. There is no reluctance in him." - Thomas Goodwin
"A non-indignant God would be an accomplice in injustice, deception, and violence." - Miroslav Volf
Takeaway: Seek shelter!
- Gregory Cook, Severe Compassion
- Thomas McComiskey, The Minor Prophets
- Dane Ortlund, Gentle and Lowly
- Fleming Rutledge, The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ