Officer nominations are open until May 31. CLICK HERE to read about our process and to submit a nomination.



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Are you ready for something better? Are you desiring something more in your life? Are you satisfied? Do you know that God has provided something better for us?  Yes, it is true!  He has promised it to us in Hebrews 11:40. Our holy, loving God has given us his very best for all eternity, Jesus! Come and join the women of Redeemer as God unveils his best for each of us and the profound mystery of His plan. Discover what the Spirit of God desires to reveal to you through the pages of the book of Hebrews. It will be worth the journey as you delve into the wonder and majesty of Jesus, the treasure of all treasures waiting to be discovered, embraced, and enjoyed.

You can join us either on Monday nights (Sep 11 — Nov 6) via Zoom from 6:30-8pm or Thursday mornings (Sep 14 — Nov 16) at Redeemer from 9:30-11am.

For additional information, to order a book, or to RSVP for either the Monday ZOOM or Thursday study, please contact either Sally Goodwill ( or ‭863.325.5200) or Gigi Savant ( or 863.258.0268).

Hoping for Something Better by Nancy Guthrie



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Would you like to explore how your faith can impact your day to day living and relationships?  Would you like to meet consistently with a small group of 5-7 women for conversation and encouragement centered on the power of the gospel? 

Join a discipleship group! 2 options are available:

Spiritual Habits, groups commit to growing in the habits of reading the Bible, journaling, and prayer cards. Together we experience meeting God and develop the habit of looking to him in all circumstances. The commitment is for 1 or 2 semesters.

Discipling by Grace, groups commit to working through 4 units of 6-8 lessons each, covering the foundational truths of what we believe, how our beliefs can transform our hearts and lives, and how we grow in love for God and others.

These groups are available as we have trained leaders, which means a waiting list is necessary at times. If you are interested please contact Vicky Portlock (, 863-289-1516). If you need to purchase a DBG booklet you can do so here


Listen - Pray - Follow upWe encourage every woman to develop friendships, by taking responsibility to reach out to other women and engage in relationships that mutually listen, pray and follow up with one another. We also have periodic social events. (Join our facebook group or check out the calendar to stay in the know with what's going on with Women's Ministry at Redeemer)



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More information and registration can be found here

February 23rd through 25th 2024 (arriving Friday night, returning Sunday morning), we will gather at Holiday Inn Club Vacations at Orange Lake Resort for our retreat.

A $50 deposit is due at registration. If you are in need of partial scholarship, please contact Vicky Portlock or Connie Lear

Vision and Values

The goal of women’s ministry is to equip and encourage women to walk in and enjoy gospel friendships with one another. Friendships characterized by prayer and encouragement to live out of the fullness of Christ’s love. Friendships that create an environment that allows for celebration of life’s joys and honest struggle with life’s hardships and sin.

We believe this is in keeping with Redeemer’s vison of making Christ’s invisible Kingdom visible. As we become women more deeply aware of who Christ is and how Christ loves us, that love will overflow to those around us, impacting the Church and the other communities we are part of for God’s glory.