Redeemer’s mission is to make Jesus’ invisible kingdom visible in Winter Haven, Polk County and the world. Below are our global partners and a brief description about their work.
The Brocks | France
Christopher Brock - a native of Winter Haven - and his wife Donnette have been missionaries in France since the beginning of 2015. They moved to Toulouse, France to serve as a church planter through our denomination’s foreign mission organization, Mission to the World. To follow their journey in France you can check out their blog.
Tucker & Ann S | Hounslow, London, U.K.
While dreaming and planning their next step in life, Tucker and Ann came across Serge and began to fall in love with the mission and vision of the organization. Specifically, they were drawn to the gospel community Serge is attempting to foster in Hounslow, London, a borough near Heathrow home to a large population of South Asian immigrants. Tucker and Ann are very excited to be a part of the Lord’s redeeming work within this community.