Becoming the Father

November 17, 2019 Speaker: Drew Bennett Series: Parables of Grace

Passage: Luke 15:11-13, Luke 15:20, Psalm 103:6-14

Worship Folder


According to Jesus, God is like the father in the parable. Do you believe he loves you the way the father in the story loves his sons?


Being loved by the father makes it possible to love like the father. Are you committed to loving others the way God has loved you?


Discussion Questions

  1. What part of the way the father loves in Jesus' parable strikes you the most? What stands out to you? Why? 
  2. Do you believe God loves you the way the father in Jesus' story loves his sons? Why is it so hard to believe this?
  3. Is there any limit to this kind of love? Is there a point where if the father keeps welcoming the son home, he is condoning his behavior?
  4. Loving like the father requires a great deal of wisdom. Discuss the challenges to committing to love like this and to keep loving like this. Read Luke 17:3-5. If someone keeps repenting, you keep forgiving them. But what if they are not repenting?

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